Love Your Liver Livestream #171: Disassembling So-Called "Copper Deficiency"! #coppertoxicity
Take back control of your health by using the information in my FREE course, "The Madness of Modern Nutrition", click here!: http://madnessofmodernnutrition.com Products endorsed by Nutrition Detective: Sperti UV Lamps: Fiji Tanning Lamp (75% UVA, 25% UVB): https://bit.ly/FijiUVA (aff) Vitamin D Sunlamp (20% UVA, 75% UVB) - https://bit.ly/VitDUVB (aff) Breathwork by Roma Za - https://www.romeza.com/a/2147579515/6... (aff) Livestream #101: Improve Detox By BREATHING BETTER - https://youtube.com/live/R2FWt1G0bq4 EMF Remediation Products, Free Assessment & Discounts Thru Sara Viau - https://bit.ly/EMFSaraV (aff) Livestream #117: #EMF & #coppertoxicity, #vitaminAtoxicity, & #ironoverload - https://youtube.com/live/Y2fNwCaW-Bs Timestamps: 0:00 Intro. 1:17 Question of copper deficiencies / deficiency (hypocupremia study). 10:22 Anemia, iron deficiency, recommended daily allowance (RDA) / value, breast milk, and human study / studies (adults, infants, toddlers, babies). 24:14 Wilson disease, ceruloplasmin, and diet / dietary protein. 44:47 Kidney disease (involving nephrotic syndrome), tropical sprue, cystic fibrosis, pancreatitis, and celiac disease. 1:04:24 Study / Article: — Copper Toxicity Is Not Just Oxidative Damage: Zinc Systems and Insight from Wilson Disease 1:16:00 Copper overdose, viral hepatitis (A, B, C, D, E, F, G), fatty liver disease, and cancer. 1:48:05 Zinc (picolinate is best), supplements / supplementation, toxic bile acid, nausea, vomiting, and sugar alcohol (xylitol). 2:28:31 L-theanine (protein, amino acids), copper detox / detoxification, urine test, stainless steel cookware, activated charcoal, GERD, nausea, ginger, soluble fibre, and gas / bloating. More from Dr. Smith: Love Your Liver Program: https://members.nutritiondetective.com All Links: https://linktr.ee/NutritionDetective Web: https://NutritionDetective.com Twitter: / nutridetect Substack: https://drgarrettsmith.substack.com/ Facebook: / thenutritiondetective Instagram: / nutritiondetective TikTok: / nutritiondetective YouTube: / nutritiondetective iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast... Spotify: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sh... Pinterest: / nutritiondetective520