A Radical Love | Faith Moments with Dina Marie | 5th Sunday of Easter Year C | May 15, 2022

A Radical Love | Faith Moments with Dina Marie | 5th Sunday of Easter Year C | May 15, 2022

Faith Moments: A Radical Love with Dina Marie on the 5th Sunday of Easter, May 15, 2022 Join Dina Marie Hale on this weekly broadcast as she reflects upon the readings for the 5th Sunday of Easter. Today's theme is: "A Radical Love" The readings for the Mass are from the Acts of the Apostles, Psalm 145, Revelation and the Gospel of John. Listen carefully to the readings and join Dina Marie for this reflection on the Fifth Sunday of Easter. Resources used in this recording are: The Word Among Us Daily Meditations for April 17-May 31, 2022 Easter 2022. www.WAU.ORG 2022 Workbook for Lectors, Gospel Readers, and Proclaimers of the Word: United States Edition www.LTP.org The readings for the Mass for the 5th Sunday of Easter: Acts 14:21-27, Psalm 145, Revelation 21:1-5a, and John 13:31-33a, 34-35. For the daily liturgical readings visit: www.usccb.org or www.wau.org The podcast of this program is at www.materdeiradio.com. Opening prayer is provided by the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon. www.archdpdx.org Easter Prayer God our Father, by raising Christ you Son you conquered the power of death, and opened for us the way to eternal life. In our celebration of Easter may your Spirit within us, raise us up and renew our lives. May we live and serve others after the example of our risen Lord Jesus Christ. We ask this in his holy name and with the intercession of our Blessed Mother. Amen. Closing Prayer is from the Franciscan Mission Associates PO Box 598 Mount Vernon, New York 10551 www.franciscanmissionassoc.org Saint Francis' Prayer Praising Mary the Mother of God Hail, O Lady, Holy Queen, Mary, Holy Mother of God: you are the Virgin made Church chosen by the most Holy Father in heaven whom He consecrated with His most holy beloved Son and with the Holy Spirit the Paraclete, in whom there was and is all fullness of grace and every good. Hail His Palace! Hail His Tabernacle! Hail His Dwelling! Hail His Robe! Hail His Servant! Hail His Mother! And hail all you holy virtues which are poured into the hearts of the faithful through the grace and enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, that from being unbelievers, you may make them faithful to God. Amen. Learn more at www.DinaMarie.org. A special thanks to the following people and parishes: Father Paul Jeyamani, All Saints Catholic Church in Portland, Oregon - https://allsaintsportland.org/ Father Bryan Ochs, Father Michael Barbarossa and Deacon Fred Johnson, Rose de Viterbo in Longview, Washington; Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Kelso, Washington; St. Catherine Mission, Cathlamet, WA and St. Mary Catholic Church in Castle Rock, WA - https://www.stroselongview.com/ Father Emmanuel Ochigbo, Sunday Homily Series www.frochigbo.blogspot.com Father Mike Schmitz Sunday Mass on Ascension Presents YouTube    / @ascensionpresents   Archbishop Alexander Sample, St. Mary's Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Portland, Oregon. https://www.maryscathedral.com/ HIPPONE TV    / hipponetv   in Kenya Matthew Kelly and Dynamic Catholic www.DynamicCatholic.com Thank you to all who have supported me by their prayers and encouragement in producing this weekly program. With gratitude to the Holy Spirit for Your gifts and to my guardian angel and all the Holy Angels for their protection and guidance.