THE LAST OF US 2 Gameplay in हिन्दी - HILLCREST mission#lastofuspart2 #gameplay
https://store.playstation.com/#!/tid=... THE LAST OF US 2 Gameplay Walkthrough - HILLCREST mission#lastofuspart2 #gameplay THE LAST OF US 2 Gameplay in हिन्दी - HILLCREST mission#lastofuspart2 #gameplay Hillcrest Collectibles Overview View the sections below to locate a collectible in the order they are found. Artifacts: 10 Trading Cards: 5 Journal Entries: 1 Workbenches: 2 Safes: 1 Hillcrest Tattoo Parlor Safe - Auto Repair Shop and Gun Holster LocationFrom the main street, jump over the fences or walls in between the hair salon and tattoo parlor (you can also cut through the back of Shear Lux) to find a sealed garage with a dumpster in front of the door. Move the dumpster to access the door to the Auto Repair Shop. Behind it is a bunch of runners so have a molotov cocktail ready, then get some distance and shoot. Another option is to line that area with some trap mines, and let them come to you. Inside is a safe with a Gun Holster (if you didn’t find both in Downtown Seattle), plus lots of ammo, scrap, and explosives. Use the Dale’s Combo note from the bar across the street, and enter the code 30, --** .check this vedio for code Be sure to check the back room for more supplements and other loot. Rosemont’s FlyerIn the same house, move towards the kitchen area and dining table. On the left , there’s a small table with an artifact on it: Rosemont's Flyer. When you’re ready, head through the hole in the door by the kitchen and get ready for a quick brawl that gives you a Bow and the recipe to make Arrows. / @rudra7505 Thanks for watching. If you liked this video, make sure to subscribe for more!”