80-85 Marks | Most Important topics | CA Inter | Advance accounts | May 24 | CA Sandeep sharma |

80-85 Marks | Most Important topics | CA Inter | Advance accounts | May 24 | CA Sandeep sharma |

80-85 Marks | Most Important topics | CA Inter | Advance accounts | May 24 | CA Sandeep sharma | preparation strategy | advance accounts strategy ca inter may 24 | Full Playlist Link -    • Free advance accounts may  nov 24 | c...   One shots Link - https://vvmvs.courses.store/449960 MCQ BATCH LINK - https://vvmvs.courses.store/466840 In this video , Sandeep sir is providing easiest and least time consuming with most efficient results strategy regarding advance accounts exam for ca inter may 24 . With this strategy you can clearly understand how to score exemption in advance accounts and even 80-85 plus marks in very short span of studies . So do not miss this wonderful information . It is worth to give it 5 minutes . #cainter #caintermay24 #caintermediate #accountingstandards #cainterstudents #cainternov24 #advanceaccounting #cainteraccounts #advanceaccountsplaylist #commerce #cacourse #CAClasses #CAOnlineClasses #cafoundation #cafoundationonlineclasses #cainteronlineclasses #cainterclasses #cafinal #cafinalclasses #faridabad #pune #india #cafoundationclasses #cafoundationrevision #icaiupdates #cafoundationmarathon #caresults #casalary #cainterexams #caexamforms #castatus #camemes #caguidance Download our app - http://on-app.in/app/home?orgCode=vvm... Hi, Welcome to our youtube channel "CA Sandeep sharma" subscribe to our channel- https://www.youtube.com/CASandeepShar... About the channel:- Through this channel, I post videos related to Latest updates and notifications for CA/CS/CMA Students related to their exam schedules , patterns, syllabus etc. . I also like to share Experience and knowledge gained by me which might help my viewers not only throughout their study cycle but even after qualifying as a CA/CS/CMA in various ways. Join our family on :- Instagram-   / ca_sandeep_sharma   Telegram - https://telegram.me/+5Inn2OfkQjg5NDk1 Contact Info - M.NO.-8851007100 E-mail - ID- [email protected] A life time learner and trainer in the field of Accountancy . A chartered accountant and being passionate to teach made me to run my own coaching classes for commerce professionals. Love to spread knowledge around in the field of Accountancy.