#1 RELOCATION TRAVEL PREP VLOG| Last few days in Nigeria| Nigeria to UK #travelvlog #relocationvlog

#1 RELOCATION TRAVEL PREP VLOG| Last few days in Nigeria| Nigeria to UK #travelvlog #relocationvlog

#relocationvlog #relocatingtouk #relocationprep #travelprepvlog It is few days to travel day and I am doing last minutes runs. Hey guys, in his video, you will be seeing my last days in Nigeria and my final travel prep. My relocation journey will follow in the next video, followed by the step by step process. I can't wait for you to see it! Enjoy! Please consider sharing this video to your friends and everyone you know Subscribe here @TheFlorenceAdenike Get to know me better here https://instagram.com/theflorenceaden... For business enquiries, contact me at [email protected] About me: My name is Florence, a medical doctor in Nigeria. I am 10 years natural and I decided to document everything I know to help somebody out there. I also share parts of my life and my work, I share medical tips here and on my instagram stories. I hope this video helped you and I hope you are subscribed and would keep coming back. If you have any tips to help me grow here or any critics, I am happy to hear them as long as they don't come as insults. I love you, but God loves you more! #relocation #relocationvlog #relocatewithme #relocations #relocationvideo #travelvlog #travelwithme #ukvlog #ukvisa #ukvlogs #ukvisaapplication #ukvlogger #ukvisadone #travelprep #relocatingtouk #lastdays #lastdaysinnigeria #londonliving #fromnigeriatouk #relocationfromnigeriatouk #travelprepvlog #movingtotheuk #movingtotheukfromnigeria #travelprepvlog #relocationfromnigeriatouk #ukrelocationvlog #traveltotheukfronnigeria #movingtotheukvlog #movingfromnigeriatouk #relocatingtoukfromnigeria #londonlivingvlog #livinginlondonasastudent #livingaloneinlondon ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ Please watch: "A typical week in my life as an international student living in london| Grocery shopping| Interviews"    • A typical week in my life as an inter...   ~-~~-~~~-~~-~