Far Cry Primal Chapter 4 The Death Of Ull Mission 12 Udam Sanctum (The Hunt for Ull)! 1080p

Far Cry Primal Chapter 4 The Death Of Ull Mission 12 Udam Sanctum (The Hunt for Ull)! 1080p

{Developer\ Ubisoft Montreal} {Publisher\ Ubisoft} {Series\ Far Cry} {Platform\ Microsoft Windows PlayStation 4 Xbox One Google Stadia Amazon Luna} {Release\ February 23, 2016} {Genre\ Action-Adventure} {Mode\ Single-Player} MISSION STATEMENT! Time is up for the Udam, now its time to hit their homeland and defeat their leader Ull, to get to the Udam homeland you must go through Big Darwa Fort, its recommended you liberate it first but you can skip that, you will have to enter a small cave, make sure you have the antidote boost on you as the tunnel leading to the Udam homeland is filled with rot bane poison, once you made it to the other side you have to fight your way through some canyons, its best to bring a beast along and have upgraded weapons, once you made it to the other side you can liberate a bonfire that is right before the Udam leader cave, once you did that you can head over to Ull's cave, the cave is heavily guarded from the outside with the front entrance having enemy patrols, however you can enter from a secret hole in the mountain side, its located somewhere to the left of the main entrance, if you head over to the left side of the compound that protects the cave and come close to the mountain side, you will see an Udam spearman around there, kill him and sneak inside the small hole, grapple up and you should be inside, you can also just enter from the main entrance, once you are inside you will have to go through caves full of Udam soldiers and citizens, its best to just sneak through them, try to stick to cover and make your way through, remember your goal is to reach Ull and not liberate the area, you will eventually arrive at a big hall with a huge flat surface in the middle, there will be an enemy there as well as two enemies on each side of the cave, best route to take is to kill the enemies on either side, do a death from above on the enemy that is above the rock in front of you, throw a rock to the left side to distract the enemies at the end then make your way quickly, once you are done with this cave you just have to go through some Udam enemies, at the end you will reach the final area. Ull will be commanding and talking to some Udam archers, now begins the boss fight. Ull has some weak points and vulnerabilities, first shooting the icicles on the ceiling deal alot of damage, almost 1/4 of his health is reduced by it. after Ull gets stunned you can go to his back to perform a powerful takedown that also takes out about 1/4 of his health. The way to begin the boss fight is by shooting the icicle above him killing the soldiers around him and stunning him, if you don't do that then the enemies will go around the cave and take defensive positions, but after a while the alarm will sound and enemies will start coming in so its best to just begin the boss fight. Another helpful tip is to use fire bombs, traps and sting bombs as they deal considerable damage when used in big numbers, but of course we must consider the fact that Ull is not alone as his soldiers will spawn and attack, their is just 1 big wave you will have to defeat but it has a lot of enemies, mainly spearmen, archers and warriors, best strategy is to keep moving, run around the cave and use sting bombs as well as your weapons to kill the enemies, once they are done focus on Ull and use the weapons stated above along with the icicles to kill him, After Ull is defeated a cutscene will play, Ull will ask you for mercy as he goes to check on his little son and daughter, as he passes away he asks you to take care of them and the mission ends, you have defeated the Udam tribe, note that Udam will still spawn around the map and outposts will not be liberated once you defeat Ull.