The Last of Us Part I Walkthrough PS5 - David (Part 20) ( Full game) - No Commentary
PlayStation 5 The Last of Us Part I Remake gameplay. This will include the full story of TLOU Part I and Left Behind DLC in HD. I'll try to include all collectibles such as Optional Conversations, Firefly pendants, Artifacts, Safes, and Ellie's Jokes. Thanks for watching. The Last of Us Part I is available on PlayStation 5. It has been improved with the latest technology engine that Naughty Dog used to make The Last of Us Part II (And truly quite the improvement from the original and remaster). It tells the story of Joel and Ellie as they survive in a world that has been taken over by infectious fungus called The Cordyceps; which takes over human's body, turning them into a crazed zombie-like state that will attack anyone one site. Joel is a smuggler who has survived the infection for 20 years and Ellie is a 14 year old girl who is immune to the infection. Together they travel across the United States so that Joel can get Ellie to the Fireflies; a militia group who is looking to end the infection and save the world. The Last of Us Part I was made by Neil Durkmann and his team behind him Naughty Dog. Naughty Dog also provided the music with the soundtrack being composed by Gustavo Santaolalla. I do not claim ownership of the game or the soundtrack provided in the game.