Convert Your Lawn into an Abundant Ecosystem (2022 NOFA Summer Conference)

Convert Your Lawn into an Abundant Ecosystem (2022 NOFA Summer Conference)

The age of the plain grass lawn is over. We are shifting into a new paradigm where homeowners replace their lawns with wildflower meadows, vegetable gardens, backyard orchards, and native plant habitats. Imagine the resilience we could create within our neighborhoods if every house on the block had an abundant, diverse garden packed with food and medicine instead of a lawn. The communal connections it would create, the physical and mental health benefits it would have, and the vital ecological functions it would serve. Come learn the most practical ways to convert your lawn into something more beneficial, and how to encourage your neighbors to do the same. Speaker: Nathan Fournier, Owner, HomeHarvest Central MA. This workshop recording comes from the 2022 Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA) Summer Conference. Visit to learn more and become a member of your local chapter.