Tom Waits- Christmas Card From a Hooker in Minneapolis (REACTION & REVIEW)

Tom Waits- Christmas Card From a Hooker in Minneapolis (REACTION & REVIEW)

Song Link:    • Tom Waits- Christmas Card from a Hook...   Welcome to the channel, and thank you for stopping by, whether it's your first time or your 100th, or even your last! If you enjoy the daily videos and would like to help me support and grow the channel: ►JustJP+ (Movie Reactions):    / @justjpplus3191   ►Patreon:   / justjpofficial   ►Merch: ►Twitter:   / heyitsjustjp   ►Email: [email protected] ►Sub-Reddit:   / justjp   ►P.O. Box 678616 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32867