आयुर्वेदा से मिलेगा सोरायसिस का पक्का इलाज | Autoimmune Diseases - Causes, Treatments & More..
आयुर्वेदा से मिलेगा सोरायसिस का पक्का इलाज | Autoimmune Diseases - Causes, Treatments & More.. In this interactive video, Dr. Megha Chaturvedi, a renowned ayurvedic skin expert, engages in a discussion with a seasoned reporter from National Khabar about common Auto-immune skin conditions like Psoriasis, Vitiligo, etc. We are also available 24*7 for Online Consultation. Address: B-92, Sushant Lok, Phase 1, Gurgaon, Haryana, Near Huda City Centre Metro Station- 122009. Dr. Megha Chaturvedi, explains on how auto-immune diseases manifests themselves in our body and how our healthy-looking body becomes the victim of its own. She shares her knowledgeable insights on how unhealthy eating and lifestyle choices leads to triggering uncontrolled auto-immune reactions. Autoimmune diseases, comprises a unique category in itself because no external factor is responsible and all development of these kinds of conditions and flare-ups arises as a result of misinterpreted internal body reactions. Autoimmune-diseases can be traced in first degree family relation which flares up in future generations by unknown or unidentified triggers that can be related to dietary or lifestyle factors. Watch this complete video for detailed insights on the topic. Join us on this educational journey as Dr. Megha Chaturvedi clears up the mysteries of psoriasis. So, do not miss out on this opportunity to expand your understanding and gain some knowledge about how we control Psoriasis Completely. Remember to like and subscribe to our channel to stay updated with the content from Dr. Megha Chaturvedi and our team of experts. And also, feel free to contact us at any time and share your reports with us through WhatsApp. #drhealth #psoriasis #autoimmunediseases