Transcendental Meditation for Beginners – Easy TM Countdown

Transcendental Meditation for Beginners – Easy TM Countdown

This 10-minute Transcendental Meditation (TM) countdown is perfect for beginners or anyone short on time. While TM is traditionally practiced for 20 minutes twice a day, shorter sessions can still be effective for relaxation and mindfulness. During this session, you can use a simple mantra like: 🧘 "So Hum" – A natural breath-based mantra 🧘 "Om" – A traditional vibration-based mantra 🧘 "Peace" – A simple word for calm and stillness Just repeat your mantra gently in your mind, let thoughts come and go, and allow yourself to relax. Whether you're new to Transcendental Meditation or looking for a shorter guided session, this is a great way to reset your mind. 🌿 Find a quiet space, sit comfortably, and let’s begin.