What is Painless Delivery? Dr. Bhumika Bansal

What is Painless Delivery? Dr. Bhumika Bansal

Painless delivery is a reality. Dr.Bhumika Bansal has experience of around ten years in conducting vaginal deliveries with epidural analgesia. To know if you are a candidate for the same and to clear your doubts, visit Dr. Bhumika Bansal at Apollomedics Hospital basement 1 between 4 pm to 9 pm on all days except Sunday Visit Now - http://www.womanhealth.life For an appointment call... +91-8081646889 #Painlessdelivery #delivery #Painlesslabour #cesareansection #pcos #bestgynecologist #pregnancy #painlessdelivery #normaldelivery #laparoscopicsurgery #drbhumikabansal #drbhumika #GynecologistinLucknow #highriskpregnancy