March 24, 2024 - Blended Worship (Sanctuary) Service
"Via Dolorosa" - Luke 19:41-44 After such a joyous entry into Jerusalem, Jesus probably surprised the crowd by...weeping. It wasn't the first time he wept over the city (Lk 13:34). What saddens him so is that people do not notice his arrival, his coming near (or "visitation"). God still longs to be noticed, and when his approaches go unnoticed, it brings him to tears. Rev. Bryan Eckelmann Sermon Series VIA - The Road We Choose Much of the struggle inherent in life is in knowing which road to take. By becoming human himself, Jesus models a life of walking the right road. As we follow Jesus, He gives us (perhaps alarmingly) clear guidance about the choices we make. This 4-week series will take us along the Via Dolorosa - a processional route in the Old City of Jerusalem. It represents the path Jesus took, forced by the Roman soldiers, on the way to his crucifixion Upcoming Events Experience Holy Week at Trinity! Maundy Thursday - March 28 @ 7 PM | Sanctuary Good Friday - March 29 @ 1 PM | Sanctuary & 7 PM | Fellowship Hall Easter - March 31 @ 8, 9:30 & 11 AM | Sanctuary - 9:30 & 11 AM | Fellowship Hall Easter Sunday Flowers Honor or Remember Your Loved One Return by Monday, Mar 25 Flowers in our services on Easter represent the life we've been given by and through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Our tradition is to recognize those who are or have been a blessing in your life with the opportunity to purchase a plant in someone's honor or memory. Names will be included in the Easter bulletin. Complete the form and give a $10 gift. Flowers may be picked up after services on April 7. https://trinitysantaana.shelbynextchm... Spring School of Discipleship Adult Classes beginning in April! Springtime is a season of renewal and growth, where the promise of new beginnings fills the air with anticipation and joy. There are a range of classes and serve opportunities available. Pick up a brochure on Sunday on the patio. Learn more - https://trinityconnection.com/pathway... #TUPCSA #TUPCSA-03-24-2024 #Trinity #VIA