How Much Does Hernia Surgery Cost? | Hernia Surgery Cost in Indian Rupees | Dr. Parthasarathy

How Much Does Hernia Surgery Cost? | Hernia Surgery Cost in Indian Rupees | Dr. Parthasarathy

How much does Hernia Surgery cost, What is the cost of operation of hernia, hernia surgery cost in indian rupees, laparoscopic hernia surgery cost, How much does it cost to remove a hernia, Is hernia covered by insurance in India. These are some of the questions people with hernia ask. Listen to Dr. Parthasarathy Answering all these questions. #DrParthasarathy #KIMSHospital #herniasurgeryandrecovery #herniaoperation #LaparoscopicHerniaRepair #HerniaSurgeryCost #HowMuchDoesHerniaSurgeryCost #HerniaOperationCostinIndianRupees #CostofHernaiSurgeryinHyderabad #HowMuchDoesitCosttoRemoveHernia #LaparoscopicHerniaSurgeryCost #HerniaSurgeryCostIndia #HerniaRepairCostIndia OUTLINE: 0:00 - Introduction 0:20 - Cost of a Hernia Surgery in Hyderabad India 0:40 - Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery Cost Vs Open Surgery Cost 1:00 - Type of Hernia Surgery Decides Cost 1:28 - Type of Hernia Mesh Desides the Cost of Surgery 2:23 - Simple Vs Complicated Hernia Decided Cost 2:50 - Conclusion Summary: Hello everyone! How much does a hernia surgery cost? This is a common question which obviously will be there in every patient who is planning to undergo a hernia operation. The cost of a hernia operation ranges anywhere between a fifty thousand to even two to two point five lakhs. What decides this difference in costs? Why does somebody have a hernia surgery for fifty thousand and why is it so expensive for somebody else? There are so many factors which decide the cost of a hernia operation. Type of Hernia Surgery Decides Cost Number one, what sort of operation is it going to be? Is it going to be a laparoscopic operation, or a robotic operation, or an open operation? Obviously, the cost and the equipment and the set up required for each of these surgeries is different and thereby the final cost of the surgery will also be different for each of these operations. Type of Hernia Decides Cost Second, what type of hernia are we treating? A groin hernia repair is not the same as an incisional hernia or a regular belly hernia repair which is different from a small belly button repair. So, these are different types of hernias which have different duration of surgeries, different types of mesh and recoveries are also different. So, depending on the type of hernia, the cost of repair will change. Type of Mesh Used Decides Cost Third, what sort of mesh is being used? There are a wide variety of meshes which are available for repairing hernias. Namely, the most common mesh we use is a poly propylene mesh that has a cost. The meshes that we use for repairing belly button hernia laparoscopically, are quite expensive meshes because they are called composite meshes. They have a non sticky layer and a sticky layer with special coating in them. These meshes can cost up to four to five times the cost of a regular open hernia mesh. Off late there are special types of meshes called three dimensional meshes or 3D meshes which are very popular in the repair of groin hernias. These meshes when compared to a regular groin hernia mesh will cost up to two to three times more expensive. So, depending on what type of hernia is being repaired and what is the type of mesh being used, the cost of the operation will change. Simple Vs Complicated Hernia Decided Cost Next comes how complicated is the hernia. A patient can come with a two- or three-centimeter size hernia in a cesarean scar. Another patient whose entire intestines have come out of the abdomen and that can need a very complex surgery which can last for six to seven hours where we do something called abdominal reconstruction. So depending upon the complexity of the hernia, the duration of the surgery might change and of course the cost will also change accordingly. Does the patient have any other problems like you can have a very fit healthy person coming for hernia operation who gets the surgery and goes home the next day? So, the cost of the operation depends upon all these factors. There is no fixed package for a hernia. It is usually tailored to the type of hernia, type of mesh the surgeon wants to use, and the patient’s condition. Say Hello! Our Website: Book Appointment: Call us:+91 73309 90044 Contact: Follow us: Facebook : Instagram:   / gastrosurgeonindia   Twitter: Location: Dr.G.Parthasarathy | Best Gastroenterologist in Hyderabad | Hernia & Gall Bladder Specialist 31, KIMS Hospitals, 1-8, 1, Minister Rd, Krishna Nagar Colony, Begumpet, Hyderabad, Telangana 500003 Phone: +91 73309 90044 Email: [email protected] Google Map: