5 KONTAKT LIBRARIES worth $500 in 5 MINS
Check out more here: https://bit.ly/43kiVwG 5 of the best cinematic Kontakt Libraries you may not have heard of yet. There are some new ones and some older ones that you might have missed. The BEST Plugin Deals: https://bit.ly/3Q79d8m Scene: Saffron https://bit.ly/3yPKUaN Quartarone Guitar Reveries: https://bit.ly/46WzBuf STRANDS: https://bit.ly/4fWEJTd Spiral Strings: https://tonsturm.com/software/spiral-... ASCENT: https://viral-audio.com/products/ascent #kontakt #vstplugins #vst Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:10 Library One 0:53 Library Two 1:44 Library Three 2:33 Library Four 3:19 Library Five 4:13 Demo Track