क्या पित्त की थैली में पथरी की Surgery कराए या होम्योपैथी दवा ले आइए जाने डॉ. प्रीति होम्योपैथी

क्या पित्त की थैली में पथरी की Surgery कराए या होम्योपैथी दवा ले आइए जाने डॉ. प्रीति होम्योपैथी

#gallbladderstones #gallbladderhealth #gallbladderproblems #gallbladderremoval #homeopathicmedicine #homeopathictreatment #drpreeti #homeopathyclinic #alternativemedicine #avoidsurgery #permanentcure #viralvideo #trendingvideo #video2024 #doctor Gallstones homeopathy Gallstones homeopathy medicine Homeopathy treatment of gallbladder stone Gallbladder stones treatment in homeopathy Gallstones homeopathic treatment पित्त की थैली में पथरी पित्त की थैली में पथरी का होम्योपैथिक उपचार होम्योपैथिक दवा Hello everyone, In this video I have Complete briefly discuss about Gallbladder stones diseases completely topic discuss. my motivate for upload this vdo is please dont spread misconception, rumours, myths and facts about gall bladder stone Gallbladder diseases diseases and i give complete information about this topis and how homeopathy help in these types of complaints. I have discuss in these topics like....... What is Gallbladder? What is function of gallbladder? How make gallbladder calculi? Sign and symtoms of gallbladder stone. How many types of gallbladder calculi? Home management diet plan. What we do take medicine or go for surgery? Clear answers and my experience patients feedback. Homeopathy medicine. .................................................................... Some Homeopathy Medicine and Doses are.... Berberis vulgaris Q 10 10 drops 3 time dilute in half cup water. Chelidonium Q 10 10 drops 3 time dilute in half cup water. Cholestrium 3x 4 4 tablets 3 time. Lycopodium 200 4 drops once in a day. Carduus m 30 4- 4 drops 3 time dilute in one teaspoon water. .................................................................. More related videos and links..........    • | Fatty liver | Hepatomegaly | liver ...      • | पेट में गैस अपच| बदहजमी| पेट संबंधी...      • Mesentric lymphnodes enlarge | पेट की...      • Indigestion gastric complain Homeopat...   ............................................................................ ............................................... Contact Follow on my more ID....... If you want more discussion about your health issues n regarding this video wants some more knowledge n information about health issue medicines discussion and wants to leave bad habits then contact me n DM n comments on my Facebook instagram Twitter ID. I have share my Facebook instagram Twitter id link below.... Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/invites/con... Facebook page-   / dr-preeti-homeopa   thic-Clinic-2133689530289850/ twitter id - https://twitter.com/DrpreetiDhawan2?s=08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Introduction....... I m homeopathic BHMS Dr. practice on my self clinic DR.PREETI'S HOMEOPATHIC CLINIC... BOOK UR APPONITMENT WITH DR. PREETI'S HOMEOPATHIC CLINIC. My clinic is HealthCare platform HEALTH PROMOTINAL VIDEO series produce on my profiles Our mission is provide and gives information of healthy life fitness cure diet instruction by online consultation and my videos and my post CURE lots of patients suffer from gastric and treated on my clinic succefully. This video is INFORAMTION ABOUT gastric problem treatment Homeopathic medicine gives better results without any side effects patients cure diseases completely homeopathy gives " PEACEFULL MIND...PEACEFULL LIFE "SAFE TREATMENT...NO SIDE EFFECTS" that is my aim to treat my patient HEALTH PROMOTINAL VIDEOS upload and patients feedback on my video. patient are happy then i happy if u feel any type of problem then consult for homeopathic treatment I provides lots of diseases treatment... specially skin diseases like ........psoriasis, eczyma, acne , pimples ,boils ,drynes itching kidney stone , female diseases PCOD , PID , abnormal menstural cycle , hairfal l, roughness , dryness of hair, dandruff , hair growth diabetes , asthma , cough , cold , fever , sinus , sleeplessness , childrens diseases , arthritis joints pain , cervicle , spondylisis , mental health , psycological treatment , and lots of disease. I will post all videos of my clinic my work experiences my patients feedback............. Patient happy n satisfied i will share that experiences. You can do online consultancy and book appointment My videos are HEALTH PROMOTIONAL . SO lets watch my full video and share it DR. PREETI DHAWAN SOLANKI BHMS DOCTOR .. Contact on 9983182832 PRACTICE ON DR. PREETI'S HOMEOPATHIC