Dont use chia seeds like this - chia seeds K istemal k ghalat tareeqy - चिया बीज
In this video we are going to discuss Dont use chia seeds like this - chia seeds K istemal k ghalat tareeqy. Chia seeds are very nutritious they are good for health but if you use them in the following four ways they can do more harm than good. 1- Eating them directly and dry:- First wrong way to eat chia seeds is eating them directly. Don't eat chia seeds directly and dry. Because they can absorb 27 times water than their weight. So they can stuck in your throat or food track making you choke. This can also cause death so always use them with water or some drink. 2- Don't use them with blood pressure medication:- If you are using any blood pressure medication then you should not use chia seeds. Because they can also make your blood to be thin which can cause bleeding from your nose, ear or other orifices. 3- Don't use them if you are taking diabetes medication:- Diabetes medication decrease your blood sugar levels and chia seeds also Decrease your blood sugars. Don't use them with diabetes medication as they both can cause low blood sugar level which can be Life threatening and dangerous. 4- Taking more than 3 teaspoons of chia seeds:- If you take more than 3 teaspoons of chia seeds that can also be dangerous because excess of everything is bad. And also chia seeds can go and stuck in your intestines which can obstruct them causing life threatening intestinal obstruction. #chiaseeds #chiaseedsforweightloss #chiaseedsdrink