SBWC Transmission VI #6   Igniting the Forces of Angelic Healing  20 Mar 2025   MEDITATION

SBWC Transmission VI #6 Igniting the Forces of Angelic Healing 20 Mar 2025 MEDITATION

March 20 - Igniting Forces of Angelic Healing Purpose: To ignite the powerful forces of angelic healing within you, bringing divine light and restoration through the 24th chromosome. Allow the Sirian Blue White Collective to facilitate a channel of healing energies of the angelic realms into your being. Feel the loving and restorative presence of angels healing your physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds. Embrace profound healing, comfort, and a renewed sense of well-being. BECOME A CERTIFIED UNITY FIELD HEALING PRACTITIONER: ONLINE: Take your healing practice to new heights with the Unity Field Healing (UFH) Practitioner training program. Led by Dr. John Ryan, founder of UFH, the program offers live online and in-person options, comprehensive lectures, practitioner attunements, and hands-on practice sessions. You'll receive certification and a diploma to practice UFH Healing Sessions 1, 2, and 3 upon completion. But that's not all - you'll also have the guidance and support of the Sirian Blue White Collective, an ascended civilization of beings who are masters of light, geometry, and sound and work with quantum DNA construction, development, and recalibration. Don't miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of an awakening process that is galactic in scope. Join us and become a UFH Practitioner today! Imagine the difference you can make in your clients and your own life. Find out more: JOIN THE LIVE TRANSMISSIONS AND TEACHINGS: Take the next step in your Ascension journey with the Sirian Blue White Collective's 6th annual cycle of transmissions, "Pulsed Transmissions in the 24th Chromosome." Move deeper into the Quantum DNA and activate the Quantum 24th Chromosome for personal and planetary growth. Personalized support and guidance from the Family of Light included. Join us on this profound journey. Sign up now: Music: A Pure Embrace by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Licensed through Enlightened Audio. #mar2025 #sirianstarseed #starseed #kryon #UFH #drjohnryan #sbwc #kryonmasters