How to Count Basic Rhythms (COMPLETE)
In this lesson, I am going to teach you how to count basic rhythms. I will start out by explaining how music is broken into measures and how time signatures play into the placement of the beats. Learn much with my online courses: https://www.pianolessonsontheweb.com (use code "youtube" for 15% off) WATCH THIS NEXT (COMMON RHYTHM PATTERNS BEGINNERS ALWAYS MISS) • 9 Rhythm Patterns Beginners Mess Up A... Learn much more with my online courses (use code "youtube" for additional 15% off) https://www.pianolessonsontheweb.com Link to get my keyboard https://amzn.to/46YG8nw Link to get the Piano Book: https://amzn.to/3fuwtga Link to get the Scales Book: https://amzn.to/3DO84eE Chapters 00:00 What is covered in today's lesson 00:06 Basic Rhythm Concepts 04:36 Rhythm Drill 1 06:00 Eighth Notes 07:42 Dotted Quarter Notes 10:00 Tips to Count Accurately 12:40 2/4 and 3/4 Time Signature 14:44 Subdivision / Sixteenth Notes 16:25 Rhythm Drill 2 19:18 Compound Time Signatures (6/8, 9/8) 21:58 Syncopation 22:51 Tips on Practicing Note Reading