#antimoniumtartforemphysema #arsenicumalbumforemphysema #heparsulphforemphysema TITLE: TOP 1O HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES FOR EMPHYSEMA Hi, friends, I am DR Surajit Ghosh from Kolkata, West Bengal, India, practising Homeopathy for last 30 years (Chronic Diseases only) & attending only 2-3 new cases daily (Prior appointment is necessary). Welcome To My YT Channel “DR Ghosh Presents”. Please visit my websites: 1)www.drghoshhomeo.com 2)www.nscaps.org.in . My e-mail: SURJI2012@ GMAIL.COM. Contact: +917003600736. Thank You very much!! Please note, while preparing contents on Homeopathy or Tissue Salt Therapy, references were taken from books of DR.H.C.Allen, DR.J.T.Kent, DR.W.Boericke, DR.W.A.Dewey, DR.G.W.Carey, DR. S. Lilienthal, DR. B.K. Basu, DR. S.P. Dey, DR. S.R. Phatak, DR. S.K.Dubey & Others & WHO’S Publications. @drghoshpresents: This video is about …… TOP 1O HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES FOR EMPHYSEMA What is Emphysema? Emphysema is a chronic lung ailment where the alveoli, air-sacs at the terminal end of bronchioles, rupture to form a rigid single big sac, arising tight chest & breathlessness of the subject affected. This is a permanent irreversible and irreplaceable damage to lung tissue. It is a part of group of lung diseases called Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(C.O.P.D.). What are the causes of Emphysema? 1)Smoking/Second hand smoking; 2)Chemical, polluted air, fumes etc. of environment or work; 3)Inherited disease where protein alpha 1-antitrypsin is deficient. 4)Asthma; What are the signs-Symptoms of Emphysema? Early S/S: 1)Chronic cough; 2)Copious white/yellow mucus discharge with cough; 3)Loss of breath which worsen on exertion; 4)Wheezing respiration; Other S/S: 1)Anxiety, depression & fatigue; 2)Sleep problems; weight loss; heart problems; How Emphysema is diagnosed? Spirometry; Blood test; C.T. scan; ECG; When to consult a Doctor? If cough: a)Stays longer than 3 weeks; b)Disturbs sleep at a stretch for a week; c)Produces discolored mucus; d)Breathing problem intensified; …. …. NOW THE REMEDIES: Antimonium tart. for Emphysema.? Great difficulty in expiration; face cyanosed & flushed, covered with cold sweat; breathing rapid, short, heavy, anxious; must be supported in a sitting posture; great rattling of mucus in bronchial tubes, esp. just below larynx (throat); gasping for breath at the beginning of every coughing spell with violent pain from chest to shoulder. Subjects crave apples & acids fruits, cold water, strong liquors; aversion to milk & tobacco; strong desire to sleep. Arsenicum album for Emphysema? Emphysema of old people; dry catarrh of old origin; from emphysema & pulmonary congestion; dyspnoea continues during intervals of cough, returns periodically, specially at night; expectoration white, frothy, often sticky mucus; worse after eating, in the afternoon, after midnight & mid-day, from lying down, drinking cold water, mental exertion. Subjects highly anxious, fearful, restless, despondent but fastidious; suffer from fear of death; think disease incurable, useless to take medicine. Hepar sulph. for Emphysema? Bronchial chronic catarrh worse from slightest exposure to cold; cough worse from midnight to morning; sleeps with head thrown backwards. Subjects highly irritable, oversensitive and impulsive; crave for sour things, vinegar, wine, strong tasting foods & drinks; worse from everything cold; better from covering, warmth, warm foods & drinks, in damp wet weather. Sulphur for Emphysema? Inveterate bronchitis; chronic catarrhs with secretions of large quantities of tenacious mucus; nightly suffocating fits, want doors, windows open, rattling in chest, worse after expectoration. Subjects with filthy & unclean habits; feel better when bare-bodied, cannot tolerate heat; all discharges from body acrid & offensive; empty all-gone sensation in stomach at 11a.m.; cannot wait for lunch. Phosphorus for Emphysema? Emphysema in emaciated, cachectic, overgrown young invalids; dry, tickling (laryngeal) cough in evening with tightness, burning across chest & expectoration in the morning. Upper left lobe of lung affected mostly; stitching pain in chest when coughing, relieved by external pressure; sputa rusty, bloody; worse lying on left side, better, on right side. Subjects crave cold, refreshing drinks; averse to tobacco, sweets, tea, coffee, bear; apathetic, indifferent to persons & surroundings; Carbo veg. for Emphysema? Disclaimer: Information for this video is collected from various sources. This video is prepared with bonafide intention free of cost for catering the info to members of public in general who MUST and SHALL use their own discretion and suggestions from their physicians before using the same in practice. Users are fully responsible for its use. Channel authority SHALL NEVER bear any liability to damage whatsoever arising out of its use.