My Outdoor Houseplants Are Back Inside | Tropical Common Rare Houseplant Collection | Fall Decor

My Outdoor Houseplants Are Back Inside | Tropical Common Rare Houseplant Collection | Fall Decor

Although I love the fall and winter season, it does make me sad to bring my houseplants back inside from their time outdoors. I’m honestly floored by the growth from this year, especially my whale fin snake plant. Y’all remember when I grabbed this from Lowe’s and it was just one fin and a small nub? Yeah - insane. 😂 #houseplants #houseplant #plantstuff #gardening #jungle #plantcare #tropicalhouseplants #garden #houseplantlover #tropicalplants #houseplantcollection #rareplants #houseplantscheck #homeandgarden #houseplantsoftiktok #plantcommunity #commonhouseplants #planttok #urbanjungle #snakeplants #snakeplant #whalefinsansevieria #sansevieria #philodendrons #pothos #goldenpothos #hoya #hoyas #hoyahead #hoyahindurope #hoyacompacta #hoyakrimsonqueen #blackcardinalphilodendron #princeoforangephilodendron