Greatest Hits of Taylor, Croce, Denver, Fogelberg - Ultimate Folk Rock & Country Playlist

Greatest Hits of Taylor, Croce, Denver, Fogelberg - Ultimate Folk Rock & Country Playlist

Greatest Hits of Taylor, Croce, Denver, Fogelberg - Ultimate Folk Rock & Country Playlist 1. F̲a̲the̲r A̲̲nd S̲o̲n - C̲a̲t S̲te̲ve̲ns 2. The̲ S̲o̲u̲nd o̲̲f S̲i̲le̲nce̲ - S̲i̲mo̲n & G̲a̲rfu̲nke̲l 3. Vi̲nce̲nt - D̲o̲n M̲cLe̲a̲n 4. A̲nd I̲̲ L̲o̲ve̲ Y̲o̲u̲ S̲o̲ - D̲o̲n M̲cLe̲a̲n 5. Le̲a̲vi̲ng O̲̲n A̲̲ J̲e̲t P̲la̲ne̲ - J̲o̲hn D̲e̲nve̲r 6. Ta̲ke̲ M̲e̲ H̲o̲me̲, C̲o̲u̲ntry R̲o̲a̲ds - J̲o̲hn D̲e̲nve̲r 7. Wi̲ld W̲o̲rld - C̲a̲t S̲te̲ve̲ns 8. kyli̲ne̲ P̲i̲ge̲o̲n - E̲̲lto̲n J̲o̲hn 9. The̲ B̲o̲xe̲r - S̲i̲mo̲n & G̲a̲rfu̲nke̲l 10. Ti̲e̲ a̲̲ Y̲e̲llo̲w R̲i̲bbo̲n R̲o̲u̲nd t̲he̲ O̲̲le̲ O̲̲a̲k T̲re̲e̲ - D̲a̲wn Tags: Greatest Hits, Full Album, Best Songs #GreatestHits #FullAlbum #BestSongs