09132020 Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost God's Work Our Hands

09132020 Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost God's Work Our Hands

The Service of the Word for the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost, September 13, 2020, God's Work Our Hands Sunday. Special thanks to our friend Derek Minno Bloom of the Asbury Park Racial Justice Project for speaking and telling us about ways that antiracism work is being done. Find the Racial Justice Project here: https://www.trinitynj.com/racial-just... Join the Racial Justice Project's event on Reparations this Wednesday: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/reparati... Donate to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund: https://act.naacpldf.org//o/6857/p/sa... You are invited to join our Sunday morning service at 10am EST: https://zoom.us/j/304026322 Find out more about Atonement's ministry on our website: www.atonementlutheranchurch.com Tithes, offerings, and gifts to Atonement's ministry may be made via the GivePlus app, which is available in your app store! You can research the company we use for this at https://www.vancopayments.com/ You may also set up giving electronically at this link: https://gp.vancopayments.com/gpo/#/do...