What are Dirted tanks? #Shorts
Dirted tanks are planted tanks that require little to no maintenance and provide a very stable environment for nearly any live fish, snail or shrimp. They come by many names. Dirted tanks, dirted aquariums, walstad tanks, walstad aquariums, walstad bowl, no tech tank, no tech aquariums, no filter, no co2, no tech tanks, and so on.... Their key difference is that they are set by using soil as a substrate. A normal potting mix without additives will do the job. Dirted tanks are a mere copy of lakes. The soil will provide all nutrients and CO2. Also, they do now require many water changes or gravel vacuuming. Most if my inspiration comes from "Foo the Flowerhorn" and D. Walstad's book "Ecology of the planted aquarium". Also, if I ever stumble upon a question that hasn't been cleared up, I will try and search using scientific literature such as articles found on pubmed (yes, I am a geek). Feel free to hit the like button and subscribe for more. This is an updated guide on how to set up a dirted tank: • How to set up a dirted tank - Detaile... A video setting up my sand tank: • How to start a low tech sand tank - W... How to cycle a dirted tank: • How to Cycle a Dirted Tank - No filte... Aquarium Science Playlist: • Aquarium Science Series Music: White River - Aakash Gandhi