Pullback Or Reversal || How To Spot The Difference

Pullback Or Reversal || How To Spot The Difference

Two of the most important concepts that any trader needs to understand in order to trade successfully are pullbacks and reversals. Understanding the difference between reversals and pullbacks may determine the difference between a profitable trade and a losing one. What is pullback and psychology behind pullback? A pullback is a price movement that moves in against the trend. It is a temporary price movement before it resumes back into the main market direction. Pullbacks are sometimes referred to as price Correction or retracement. Pullback occurs when price moves at least one bar against the opposite direction of the trend. The benefits of pullback trading There are several benefits to trading pullbacks. Some of them are as follows: 1. Trading pullback lets you have a tighter stop loss as your trade location is good and this gives you a better risk to reward 2. From a psychological standpoint, it’s easier to pull the trigger as you’re buying high and selling low in this Pullback Trading Strategy (Intraday Price Action Trading Strategy) you will learn How to “predict” where the pullback will end how to trade intraday pullback trading strategy .how to trade pullback How to set your stop loss when trading pullbacks **************************************************************** smart money concept=    • Smart Money Trading Strategy   trendline mastery =    • Trendline Trading Course   supply demand zone trading =    • Technical Analysis Masterclass   price action trading=    • THE ULTIMATE PRICE ACTION TRADING COURSE   ********************************************************** Contact Us: ➤Facebook:   / learntotradeltt   ➤Telegram Channel: https://telegram.me/tradingwithsmartm... ************************************************************* #Trading #LearnToTrade #Pullback #intradaytradingstrategy #priceaction #volume #pulbacktrading #technicalanalysis #fibonacci #trendline #movingaverage #orderblocks #snd