Daily Prayer Meeting - Thursday 7th January 2021 (Ealing Christian Centre)

Daily Prayer Meeting - Thursday 7th January 2021 (Ealing Christian Centre)

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @eccelimchurch Or email info@ecc.org.uk for more information. Online Sunday Services 9:00am - Sunday Morning Service 11:00am - Children's Ministry on Facebook Live / Youth Ministry on Zoom 6:30pm - Sunday Evening Service http://www.ecc.org.uk/ Online Prayer Meetings: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday - 6pm to 7pm Tuesday - 7.30pm to 9pm If you are in need of prayer: 24-hour Prayer Centre: 020 8799 2199 Or fill our online prayer request form http://www.ecc.org.uk/prayer/prayer-r... For you to continue to give over the next few weeks there are four avenues: 1. Standing order 2. Online banking 3. Via the ECC website 4. Post your offering to Ealing Christian Centre (address can be found on our website). The ECC sort code 60-05-16 and account number is 18844979.