Star Wars: Jedi Survivor Walkthrough Chapter 3• Koboh - Return to the Mantis | Ps5 | 4K 60fps
Please like 👍 and subscribe for more and hit that bell 🔔 for notifications so you dont miss any content. Your support is greatly appreciated. Thanks For Watching! 0:00 Intro 0:05 Return to the Mantis 1:40 Health Essence 2:25 Force Echo Databank Entry [Basalt Forest: Beyond the Abyss] 3:47 Meditation Point – Nekko Pools 4:05 Priorite Shard 4:46 Seed Pod [Bluebell Squish: Alderaanian Blue] 4:52 Databank Entry [Basalt Forest: Nekko Scratches] 4:56 Seed Pod [Bluebell Squish] 5:20 Priorite Shard 6:35 BD-1 [Body – Swooper] 8:35 BD-1 [Head – Geonosian] 9:05 Cal [Hair – Choppy Forward] 9:28 Seed Pod [Bluebell Squish: Dathomirian Red] 10:02 Seed Pod 10:15 Priorite Shard 10:52 Seed Pod [Bluebell Squish] 11:09 Meditation Point – Bygone Settlement 11:48 Databank Entry [Rambler’s Reach: Ancient Architecture] 11:52 Priorite Shard 12:39 Cal [Jacket – Wanderer] 14:33 Meditation Point – Untamed Downs 14:48 Databank Entry [Rambler's Reach: An Ecological Study] 14:53 Priorite Shard 15:21 Force Echo Databank Entry [Rambler's Reach: A Small Mercy] 16:42 Datadisc 16:54 Force Echo Databank Entry [Chamber of Clarity: Tenacity] 17:16 Weapon [Materials – Unique Non-Metal] 18:00 Force Echo Databank Entry [Chamber of Clarity: Concerted Effort] 18:54 Force Echo Databank Entry [Chamber of Clarity: A Candid Moment] 19:40 Perk – Fellowship 22:28 Force Echo Databank Entry [Rambler’s Reach: Technological Betrayal] 22:44 Lightsaber [Santari Khri] 24:51 Force Echo Databank Entry [Rambler’s Reach: Shelter of Last Resort]] 26:20 Databank Entry [Rambler’s Reach: Mogu Den] 27:20 Priorite Shard 28:08 BD-1 [Audio Seonsors – Geonosian] 29:14 Seed Pod [Spine Fluff] 31:24 Seed Pod [Palm Fruit Shell] 32:22 Seed Pod [Palm Fruit Shell] 34:46 Datadisc 36:26 Cal [Pants – Wanderer] 36:45 Priorite Shard 37:00 Seed Pod [Palm Fruit Shell: Rare] and 3x Seed Pod [Palm Fruit Shell] 37:49 Seed Pod [Palm Fruit Shell: Alderaanian Blue] 38:00 Seed Pod [Palm Fruit Shell] 38:13 Seed Pod [Palm Fruit Shell] 41:20 Seed Pod [Palm Fruit Shell: Dathomirian Red] 42:10 [Music Track – Shortpaw’s Dance] 42:54 Seed Pod [Palm Fruit Shell] 43:09 Force Echo Databank Entry [Rambler’s Reach: Home on the Range] 45:38 Seed Pod [Bluebell Squish] 46:18 Perk Slot 47:04 Meditation Point – Harvest Ridge 48:19 Priorite Shard 48:42 Cal [Material – Tactical] 49:42 Priorite Shard 50:51 Force Echo Databank Entry [Rambler’s Reach: Dead Researcher] 51:22 Priorite Shard 51:36 BD-1 [Legs – Scrapyard] 52:17 Databank Entry [Rambler’s Reach: Dead Gorgers] 52:57 Databank Entry [Rambler’s Reach: Massive Ribcage] 53:08 Force Echo Databank Entry [Rambler’s Reach: Prospector Remains] 53:20 Meditation Point – Sodden Grotto 53:40 Boss: Rancor 55:16 Perk – Shatter 57:15 Force Echo Databank Entry [Rambler’s Reach: Free Sample] 57:55 Cal [Jacket – Hunter] 58:01 Databank Entry [Rambler’s Reach: Gorocco Sanctuary] 58:28 Seed Pod [Spine Fluff: Rare] 58:33 Priorite Shard 1:00:10 Cal [Material – Bomber] 1:00:20 Databank Entry [Rambler’s Reach: The Wise Hunters] 1:01:44 Databank Entry [Rambler’s Reach: A Task Too Far] 1:02:10 BD1 [Materials – Light Metal] 1:03:19 Databank Entry [Rambler’s Reach: A Mechanical Touch] 1:03:29 Databank Entry [Rambler’s Reach: A Gift Revoked] 1:03:32 Priorite Shard 1:04:43 Skill Point 1:05:04 Seed Pod [Bluebell Squish: Dathomirian Red] 1:05:14 Seed Pod [Cactus Ball] 1:07:00 Databank Entry [Rambler’s Reach: A New Beginning] 1:10:17 Weapon [Materials – Warm Metal] 1:11:24 Skill Point 1:12:19 Cal [Beard - Goatee] 1:12:50 Priorite Shard 1:13:32 Priorite Shard 1:14:52 Seed Pod [Cactus Ball: Rare] 1:15:00 4x Seed Pod [Cactus Ball] 1:16:06 Lightsaber [Hunter] Support The Channel : ‐-----‐-------------‐--------‐------------- Buy me a coffee ☕️: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/thephink Follow Me : --‐-------------------------------------- Subscribe : https://youtube.com/@Thephink_?si=uyJ... Twitch: / thephink X: / thephink_ #starwarsjedisurvivor #starwars #ps5 #ThePhink