December 22, 2024 10:15am Family Worship
Today is the 4th Sunday of Advent. Advent is a season of joyful expectation and anticipation. Even more than the anticipation of the Christmas holiday, we look forward to the coming of Jesus. Our Advent Message Series has examined how Jesus comes as prophet, priest, and king. We have explored one role each week. Today we will look at how Jesus is worshipped as our prophet, priest, and king. Get the Sermon Outline: https://immanuelbrandon.com/wp-conten... Today's Scripture Readings: Old Testament: Micah 5:2–5a Epistle: Hebrews 10:5–10 Gospel: Luke 1:39–45 (46–56) Sign in with our digital connection card at https://ilc.live. Get today's announcements at: https://immanuelbrandon.com/wp-conten... You can give online at https://immanuelbrandon.com/give You can also participate in our traditional worship in English at 8:00 am or traditional worship in Spanish at 11:30am. We are a bilingual, family-focused, Bible-based Church & School in Brandon, FL. Visit us online at https://immanuelbrandon.com Visit us on Facebook at / ilsbrandon For information on Immanuel Lutheran School visit https://ilsbrandon.com