Incheon International Airport begins operations at new passenger terminal

Incheon International Airport begins operations at new passenger terminal

인천공항 제2여객터미널 평창올림픽 앞두고 18일 개장 And in time for the Olympics next month,... Incheon International Airport has opened its long-awaited Terminal Number Two. It's the first large-scale expansion of Korea's main gateway in 17 years-- and it's packed full of smart technologies. Our Cha Sang-mi went to check it out and filed this report. Korea's main gateway, Incheon International Airport, began operations at its brand new second terminal Thursday morning with a flight arriving before dawn from Manila. Now flying out of Terminal Two are four SkyTeam airlines, including Korean Air. T-2 is designed to be a "smart" facility... with its own check-in, customs, immigration and boarding gates... all using cutting-edge technology. (KOREAN) - 1 "It's so convenient -- the self check-in, close parking lots -- all the amenities in the terminal are just all perfect." The self check-in, immigration and bag drop systems enable passengers to be ready for boarding in half an hour. The terminal also provides a range of recreational and resting spaces making it much more passenger-friendly. (KOREAN) - 2 "I think it's really nice that the terminal shows off a lot of cultural aspects of Korea. It's way more vibrant that Terminal One." One of the most convenient things is the terminal's all-inclusive transportation center with buses, trains, and short-term parking. (KOREAN) - 1 "We have built an all-inclusive transportation center at Terminal 2 that connects users to buses, subways, and KTX trains from indoors. Passengers can conveniently get on public transportation without having to leave the terminal." Directions to the airport have also changed, which could confuse some airport users. But if passengers arrive at the wrong terminal, there are shuttle buses that connect the two terminals free of charge. (ENGLISH) - 1 "So I was in Terminal 1 and I sat there for about 45 minutes, and I went off to the desk, asked one of the people that help out and she directed me to Gate 8, which there is a shuttle there and about 15 minutes to get here." And they can ask for an "I'm late card" at the Information desk, which will give them priority in customs after checking in at the right terminal. (Stand-up) "Terminal Two has opened just in time for the upcoming PyeongChang Olympics, which begin in three weeks. And the new terminal will help the airport in its push to be a top global air hub long after the sporting event. Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News." Arirang News Facebook:   / arirangtvnews   ------------------------------------------------------------ [Subscribe Arirang Official YouTube] ARIRANG TV:    / arirang   ARIRANG RADIO:    / music180arirang   ARIRANG NEWS:    / arirangnews   ARIRANG K-POP:    / arirangworld   ARIRANG ISSUE:    / arirangtoday   ARIRANG CULTURE:    / arirangkorean   ------------------------------------------------------------ [Visit Arirang TV Official Pages] Facebook:   / arirangtv   Twitter:   / arirangworld   Instagram:   / arirangworld   Homepage: ------------------------------------------------------------ [Arirang K-Pop] YouTube:    / arirangworld   Facebook:   / arirangkpop   Google+: