Dying Light 2 - Dropkicking Faces for 3 Minutes
There are many ways to combat your foes in Dying Light 2. But how many of those involve dropkicking them in the face? Only one. Please enjoy 3 minutes of dropkicking faces in Dying Light 2: Stay Human. In Dying Light 2, the parkour, zombies, and worldbuilding of Techland's first game return with some new additions, including a more intricate, branching story, a paraglider to help you get around, and several new parkour and combat moves you can unlock during gameplay. While the first game was in Tehran, Dying Light 2 takes place in Villedor, many years after The Fall. While some of the marketing said that beating Dying Light 2 will take you 500 hours, it can actually be finished long before that, but it is still a massive game. #IGN #Gaming #DyingLight2