![[Resident Evil 3 Remake]No Damage/Item Box/No Save/All Supply Cases, Inferno, S Rank](https://krtube.net/image/xGh56ScW-3I.webp)
[Resident Evil 3 Remake]No Damage/Item Box/No Save/All Supply Cases, Inferno, S Rank
-New Game: No Shop Items Used -Inferno: Highest Difficulty -No Damage -No Item Box -No Save -All Nemesis Supply Case Battles -S-Rank: Highest Rank Possible -Console: PS4 Pro Here’s another Inferno challenge run. This time I also got all Nemesis Supply Cases. Those battles could be done in damage race way, safely, but I also wanted to show how to approach Nemesis. Therefore, I went for some knife only combat, as well as showing how he works, what he’s capable of. I also battled good portion of first boss fight knife only. Obviously these knife damage is not that useful on Inferno difficulty, so things can be handled in more efficient way, and also safer lol. Informations mostly about Nemesis battles: 1st Supply Case Battle: It takes place between first time him showing up after bringing power back in power station to FA-RA-SA subway puzzle. His hp carries over between these places. He has 8000 hp total, and can only drop one supply case regardless of how many times you beat him. I believe a red barrel deals 4000 hp, and any hit after that(handgun shot, knife stab etc) will make him fall. Just be aware he can get weird iframes during attack animations which causes barrel not dealing damage or not full damage. Unfortunately I can’t tell exact numbers due to me being console player. I have no access to SRT(speedrun tool) which shows enemy hp etc. So I basically used two barrels in this encounter. Supply case reward is extended magazine for G19 handgun. Upgrades capacity from 15 to 33. 2nd Supply Case Battle: Takes place post FA-RA-SA puzzle to subway station. This is the battle I fought the most in different ways. At the beginning, you can see cheese way. Stunlooping him between donut shop and generator. You can even beat him repeating this which I don’t endorse. After some time, I went for open field, fair battle mostly doing knife only. Some of his moves are one hit kill on Inferno difficulty. Uppercut move, two handed hammer like move. For me, it’s doesn’t matter though. A hit would send me back to the beginning of the game. Tentacle attack doesn’t deal damage, but falls you down. I avoided that. You can see at times he can go for fast turn around move which you have to be aware otherwise you might get hit. On Nightmare difficulty, you can register knife stab then dodge that second attack, but since Inferno Nemesis is faster, that’s not a good idea. I used grenade and handgun which helped me to lower his hp, so fight took shorter(it still took few minutes) The more knife only would be repeating the process(which I have clip of me knifing him. Might share that fight) Only missed is his holding his shoulder animation after fighting him long lol. Reward is Moderator/silencer for G19 handgun that highers crit chaces and makes the gun fire quite. Bad thing is thag part makes gun takes up two inventory slots. Due to No Item Box restriction, I had to leave that supply case for my return to downtown. 3rd Supply Case Battle: This happens between subway station to sewers. Pretty tight corridors with generator. Idea is mostly the same other than he tends to go for head grab move which is not that fair. I used barrels. Reward is 6 shotgun shells. 4 Supply Case Battle: This is the last supply case you can get from him. This time he has rocket launcher. He first shows up with rocket launcher after Kendo Gun Shop/House. But fighting him there is pointless since he doesn’t drop supply case when you beat him. So, battle takes place in downtown(donut shop/toy store area)or after seeing Carlos on your way to subway station by taking gas station way. Weird thing here is, his hp doesn’t carry over, so you should fight him in one area. I chose donut shop area. Rocket launcher Nemesis basically can fire 3 rockets then has cooldown moment(works as reload) You can figure what state he’s in by his rocket launcher’s laser colour. It’s red when he can shoot, yellow when cooldown. So I dealt most damage by using magnum. If I remember correctly, 5 magnum and a grenade kill him which I had. But I chose to show how he works by dodging his rockets, and knifed him few times to show the knife only idea. I dodged melee moves just because showing knife only way. You can damage race, or shoot generator after dodging few rockets to buy some time for generator to recover. Reward is 6 flame rounds. So, I think I could show nice stuff in this run. Had few little errors like can’t performing counter knife during boss fight, and getting first fuse by accident in warehouse. It just caused me time, and gun powder which would turn into shotgun ammo lol. Things happen though. Thank you for watching. I hope this long info was read by some people, and help them. Leave a comment if you have any questions. Hit like button and subscribe the channel. That would help me. Take care. Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at / livingdisasterr