Sunday Service - 11/20/2022 - The Call to Follow Jesus

Sunday Service - 11/20/2022 - The Call to Follow Jesus

NorthCreek Church Dr. Kent Dresdow NorthCreek is a teaching church and we are committed to the proclamation and application of the Word of God. For this reason, you'll notice that everything from the songs we sing, the classes we offer, to the art we hang on the walls, is focused on scripture. Explore the information in this section to learn more about NorthCreek's beliefs, plans, and structures. As a part of the Evangelical Free Church of America, NorthCreek embraces and supports their Statement of Faith. However, in addition to the ten Articles they espouse which fall mainly in the realm of Systematic Theology, we have also adopted five more in the realm of Practical Theology. 2303 Ygnacio Valley Road, Walnut Creek, CA 94598