IUD 101: What You Need To Know | Madge the Vag | Scary Mommy

IUD 101: What You Need To Know | Madge the Vag | Scary Mommy

You've heard of the IUD, but do you know about IUD insertion, its side effects, effectiveness, cost, types and what a copper IUD is? Subscribe to Scary Mommy:    / scarymommytv   The IUD is one of the most underutilized forms of birth control in the United States. So, WTF with the IUD? Madge the Vag sits down with gynecologist Dr. Angela Jones to learn about the powers of this T-shaped stick. The IUD or Intra Uterine Device is a T-shaped device that is inserted into the uterus and provides long-term birth control. IUDs are a beneficial form of birth control because they are 99% effective and last for years. Because the IUD is inserted into the uterus, you can set it and forget it. Who doesn’t love one less thing to worry about? There are difference types of IUDs to consider. Hormonal IUDs like Mirena, Kyleena or Skyla may stop your period or cause irregular periods for the first 6 to 8 weeks. The copper or non-hormonal IUD does not contain hormones but can cause your period to become heavier. Dr. Angela suggests talking to your doctor about your options and risks associated with any of these IUDs. Where Do They Go and How Do You Get Them In There? Your gynecologist will insert the IUD through the cervix and inside the uterus, where it will remain. The IUD has a string on the end of it so that it can be removed by your gynecologist. The strings rest inside the cervical canal. Although unlikely, sometimes, your partner may feel it during intercourse, but the strings soften and become more malleable with time. How Long Can The IUD Stay In There? Although IUDs are long-term, they can vary in the amount of time they can stay in. Some IUDs will stay in for 3 years, while others for 5, and some for 10 years. Regardless of the amount of time, it doesn’t mean you have to leave them in that long. If it’s time to get pregnant, have your doctor remove it. Yay, baby! Does It Hurt? Dr. Angela says, “It can be “a little crampy” when inserted. You may also feel some bloating. The IUD is highly effective, but remember, it only guards against pregnancy and not STDs. Talk to your doctor to find out if the IUD is right for you. More about Madge the Vag: Madge the Vag is a quirky mom on a mission to spread (literally) the word on everything vagina. She may have a 1950s wardrobe, but approaches women’s vaginal health in a refreshing way that is very today. Madge highlights a taboo topic or challenging issue many women face but may be afraid to talk about. She interviews experts on a range of topics like public hair, yeast infections and sex. #madgethevag #vaginalhealth #womenshealth Stay Connected with Scary Mommy Site: https://www.scarymommy.com Facebook:   / thescarymommy   Instagram:   / scarymommy   Twitter:   / scarymommy   Giphy: https://giphy.com/scarymommy About Scary Mommy: Scary Mommy is the #1 media brand creating fun, honest and unfiltered content for moms. We tell engaging stories that connect with millions of women united by motherhood.