Gelsemium 30 Homeopathic Medicine Gelsemium Sempervirens 30 , 200 Uses Urdu ||Hindi

Gelsemium 30 Homeopathic Medicine Gelsemium Sempervirens 30 , 200 Uses Urdu ||Hindi

#Gelsemium30 #Gelsemium #Gelsemium200 #paralysis #neuralgiapain #muscleweakness #DrMuhammadAzeemJabbar #Faisalabad #Homoeopathy ______________________ Description Welcome back to another video from Dr. Muhammad Azeem Jabbar. Today we'll be covering the topic of Nervous System Diseases causes and treatment . Please watch this video till end to understand more about this and how can we protect ourselves. 1-Weaknesses of nervous system 2-paralysis 3-involuntary urine 4-Nighttime fears in children’s I really appreciate to my subscribers and viewers. Cheer me up, and I’ll be glad if you watch every video on my channel, if you like this video. Please subscribe and leave your comments. Find us on different social media platforms. Insta/Fbpage/Tweeter. drazeemhomeo Email: [email protected] Gelsemium 30 Homeopathic Medicine Gelsemium Sempervirens 30 , 200 Uses Urdu ||Hindi