What is OCO Order in Binance or Bitget? OCO Order Kya hota hy?
For Investment Guidance or For Account & Trading Management, You can contact at Whatsapp ➤ 0340-8877877 _________________________________________________________________ In this video, you’ll learn about OCO order? What is OCO order means and the proper method of buying & selling of crypto coins through OCO order. In order to learn the rest of orders method i.e. Limit order, Market order, Trailing stop, Stop limit; you need to go to Kal Talks Youtube Channel and you’ll find other orders videos in Crypto Basic Course playlist. Crypto is future and this skill can help you out in becoming rich & wealthy. Make sure to watch both Basic & Advance course to have a strong grip over crypto trading and to make huge amount of money to become financially independent. _________________________________________________________________ Leave Your Queries here: Instagram ➤ Kaltalks _________________________________________________________________ For Business inquiries email us: [email protected] #cryptocourse #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencyinpakistan