Resurrection Hope - John 11:1-27 - September 1, 2024 - Valley Bible Church of Shafter
Sermon Notes: Death is no obstacle for Jesus (1-16). Death has no power over Jesus (17-27). John 6:39-40, Job 19:25-26, Daniel 12:2 Our experiences of God's power, providence and provision breeds greater faith in Him (Deuteronomy 8:2-4). The depth of our commitment to Jesus is revealed in our obedience to Him no matter the cost (Luke 9:23). Even though physical death is painful it is not permanent for those who have faith in Christ. The power of Jesus over death gives us great comfort in the face of death. Valley Bible Church of Shafter is a family orientated, exciting, growing Christian church where you are welcome any time! Valley Bible Church is committed to turning the hearts of families, developing our God-given potential and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with Shafter and beyond. We look forward to meeting you and introducing you to our family. Sunday School 9:30AM - 10:05AM Coffee/Goodies Fellowship 10:05AM Sunday Morning Worship 10:30AM 350 Pine St Shafter Ca 93263 http://www.VBCShafter.com 661-746-3353