50K Subscriber Q&A – Get to Know Noonbusin!
📌 Video Chapters 00:00 Intro 00:22 Do you edit your own videos? 00:41 Will you ever do a vlog? 00:55 How did you start YouTube? 02:14 What got you into streaming? 03:13 Why is your username "Noonbusin"? 03:28 What does "Noongoo" mean, and why do people call you that? 03:44 Why do you keep your age private? 04:29 Any plans for a fan meetup? 04:54 Thoughts on hitting 50K subs? What’s your secret? 05:31 What would you do at 100K subs? 05:56 What’s your most memorable stream? 06:51 Do you play any games other than PUBG? 07:20 Would you rather have 0 subscribers or 0 live viewers? 07:48 Why don’t you use a front-facing camera? 08:52 Where do you stream? 09:01 What do you think about hate comments? Anything you’d like to say? 09:36 What are your future goals? 10:04 Where is your hometown? 10:15 What do you do for a living? 10:30 What did you study in college? What was your job before streaming? 12:15 How long do you plan to keep streaming? 12:31 How do you stay in shape? Is it genetics or exercise? 13:46 Have you had any plastic surgery or cosmetic treatments? 14:04 What’s your MBTI? 14:19 How do you manage your sleep schedule and daily routine? 14:49 What are your PRs for the big three lifts? 15:00 Why do you prefer staying single? 15:12 How long is your hair from the crown? 15:30 Are you planning to keep growing your hair? 15:35 How long is your middle finger? 15:41 How do you take care of your health? 15:52 Any plans to cut your hair short? 15:56 How do you relieve stress? 16:05 If you were reborn, what would you want to do? 16:14 If you were reborn, would you still adopt Momo? 16:28 What kind of movies do you like? 16:44 What’s your skincare routine? 16:51 What was the hardest PUBG mission you’ve done? 16:59 Any plans to make your PUBG clan more active? 17:38 What’s your PUBG sensitivity, gear, and graphics setup? 17:58 What was the most fun PUBG content you’ve done? 18:16 How do you practice grenade throws? 18:33 When did you start playing PUBG? 18:41 Why do you mainly play PUBG instead of other games? 18:53 What made you fall in love with PUBG? 19:12 Why do you put up a stream blocker after matches? 19:21 What’s your favorite gun in PUBG? 19:38 Why did you name your cat Momo? 19:53 How old is Momo? 19:58 How did you first meet Momo? 21:22 Baby Momo photos! 21:25 Can you show your palm reading? 21:30 A message for the fans 📌 Extra Info Skincare routine: https://cafe.naver.com/noonbusin/972 Streaming gear & PC specs: http://cafe.naver.com/noonbusin/25 🔥 Join the channel for exclusive perks. / @눈부신 📢 Live Streams Twitch: / noonbusin_ Chzzk: http://chzzk.noonbusin.net/ Also streaming on YouTube Live! 💙 Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/noonbusin_/tip (PayPal) BGM & Sound Effects: Mewpot #Noonbusin #PUBG #Battlegrounds #Twitch #Chzzk #Gaming #Streamer #YouTuber #QnA #LiveStream #FPS #PCGaming #ContentCreator