How To Download & Install ATLauncher Modpacks For Minecraft
In this video, I will show you how to download and install AT launcher to play minecraft. Go to google search and type “AT launcher download”. Click on the first option and it will take you to the download area. Pick the recommended download for your operating system and it would be windows for this example. Then, go to the download folders and click on the AT launcher setup. Click next and accept the agreement. You can change the location of the installation folder or stick to default. It will also automatically download Java for you here. Create a shortcut on your desktop and click next and install. Wait for the installation to complete, then click finish to launch the program. Let the launcher download necessary updates and the main menu will show after it is done. Select your preferred language and save it. Update your java version if necessary. You can close the console menu and focus on the launcher itself. Once you are there, click on the accounts tab and login to your minecraft account. You need your paid minecraft account in order to play and install any modpacks. Next, go to the settings and uncheck these options will make your life easier for future usage. Finally, go to the packs section and install any modpack you want. Related Search Terms ATLauncher Minecraft installation guide Step by step ATLauncher download Windows How to install ATLauncher on PC ATLauncher Minecraft setup tutorial Download and configure ATLauncher tutorial ATLauncher installation for Minecraft modpacks Complete ATLauncher Minecraft launcher guide ATLauncher system requirements and install Newest ATLauncher installation method How to properly download ATLauncher Minecraft