Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - March 18 - Tuesday of Lent 2 (Reminiscere)
Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - March 18 - Tuesday of Lent 2 (Reminiscere) Order The Treasury of Daily Prayer in printed or electronic formats here: https://www.cph.org/p-11350-treasury-... I am using the "Pray Now" app for iOS. Unfortunately, the "Pray Now" app has been discontinued and is no longer supported. If you have it, you can continue to use it, but there will be no more updates or fixes. I do not believe that it is available for download any longer, but you might take a look. CPH has replaced "Pray Now" with the "In Prayer" app. I believe that the app is a free download, but they sell monthly or annual subscriptions for various devotional resources. You can subscribe to the Treasury of Daily Prayer for $2.99/mo. or $9.99/year. https://www.cph.org/inprayer Pastor Ellingworth