TRAIN TO BUSAN 2: PENINSULA Compilation German (2020)
Official "Train to Busan: Peninsula" Compilation 2020 German | Kang Dong-won Movie Trailer | Release: 21 Aug 2020 | More information at https://KinoCheck.de/film/97r/peninsu... Four years after South Korea’s total decimation in TRAIN TO BUSAN, the zombie thriller that captivated audiences worldwide, acclaimed director Yeon Sang-ho brings us PENINSULA, the next nail-biting chapter in his post-apocalyptic world. Jung-seok, a soldier who previously escaped the diseased wasteland, relives the horror when assigned to a covert operation with two simple objectives: retrieve and survive. When his team unexpectedly stumbles upon survivors, their lives will depend on whether the best—or worst—of human nature prevails in the direst of circumstances. Train to Busan: Peninsula (2020) is the new horror movie starring Kang Dong-won, Lee Jung-hyun and Kwon Hae-hyo. Note | #TraintoBusan2 #Trailer courtesy of Splendid Film. | #KinoCheck