[Eng c.c] 애타는 사연가득 2001 3차 이산가족상봉 2박3일 다큐 / 2001 Third Inter-Korean Family Reunion (KBS 20010301 방송)

[Eng c.c] 애타는 사연가득 2001 3차 이산가족상봉 2박3일 다큐 / 2001 Third Inter-Korean Family Reunion (KBS 20010301 방송)

■ 중풍으로 거동을 못해도 구급차로 실려와 만난 동생 임신 3개월때 헤어져 50년만에 만난 남편 납북된 딸을 상봉한 어머니 등 애타는 사연이 가득했던 2001년 3차 남북이산가족상봉 다큐 풀영상입니다 조속한 남북이산가족 상봉 재개를 기원합니다 ■ An elderly man, who was left immobile from a stroke, comes in an ambulance to meet his younger brother A woman who was three months pregnant when she was separated from her husband is reunited with him after 50 years A mother is reunited with her daughter who was abducted to the North The full documentary of the third Inter-Korean family reunion in 2001 tells the heart-rending stories of the families who have been separated for decades since the war We earnestly hope that the reunion of the war-divided families will be resumed in the near future ■ Official Web page :