Scalping was impossible, until I found this Strategy
Mentorship: https://t.me/ismalvin Trading view: http://bit.ly/3LkpQx3 Signal: https://t.me/ismalvin (Vantage Markets Broker) : https://vigco.co/IjeaUb —————————————————————— Contact: [email protected] Malvin is a YouTube channel design to giving you better ways to trade the Forex Market and other financial markets, profitably. Remember trading Forex and other leveraged product is risky but trading it with risk management and good strategy puts you on reward. This video is in no shape or form financial advice Music in this video Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/soundroll/run-run License code: TFTXE6IJBNNHPX90 Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/brock-hewitt-sto... License code: PCQYADVQMWQPBSWP Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/alexander-plam/s... License code: YI5KQ8CETK1NA6IV Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/prigida/holding-you License code: CXMGNBA3DM8JJYUX