실패가 만든 인생 (조앤 롤링, Joanne K. Rowling, 1965~) | 위로와 힘을 주는 1분 명언 #위로 #힘 #명언
1 minute quotes that give comfort and strength | A life created by failure (Joanne K Rowling, 1965~) #Comfort #Strength #Quotes 위로와 힘을 주는 muzCameo 1분 명언 모음입니다 힘든 순간에 위로가 되어줄 명언과 용기를 주는 메시지들로 구성되었습니다 모두 힘내시고 행복하세요! #위로 #힘 #명언 This video is a collection of comforting and strengthening sayings Designed to offer solace during tough times and empower with words of courage Let's grow stronger and happier together! #Comfort #Strength #Quotes - A life created by failure When you hit rock bottom, there is nothing to be afraid of or shy away from Because all you have to do is get up again and move on Failure removed unnecessary things from my life I stop deceiving myself, I started putting all my energy into what was most important Showing who you really are is a matter of choice, not ability There are more failures and wounds in life than achievements But doing nothing out of fear of failure is the greatest defeat Tags : #명언 #오디오북 #audiobook #낭독 #노하우 #팁 #의무 #관계 #스트레스 #후회 #인생명언 #조언 #처세 #인간관계 #50대 #60대 #외로움 #심리 #공통점 #행복 #철학 #교훈 #동기부여 #다혈질 #아내 #결혼생활 #부부싸움 #욕심 #욕망 #자신감 #인생 #삶 #지혜 #스트레스 #카톡 #답장 #소외 #친구 #인맥 #예민 #눈물 #플라톤 #인간관계 #인생조언 #조언 #오디오북 #처세 #부자 #성공 #돈 #자기계발 #상처 #말씀 #스님 #행복 #어떻게 #막막할때 #지칠때 #눈물 #손절 #외로움 #불안 #지속가능한 #힘들때 #사는것 #우울 #번아웃 #후회 #석가모니 #좌절 #불안 #허무 #실화사연 #삶의지혜 #불교 #인생철학 #좋은글 #명상 #글멍