Burlington Board of Finance (5pm) and City Council (7pm) - 1/10/2021
Burlington Board of Finance Agenda: 1. Agenda 00:30 2. Public Forum 01:30 3. Consent Agenda 08:38 4. Lease of Vendor Space at North Beach for three seasons 10:00 5. Engineering Amendment #2 for the Flynn-Fletcher Pump Station Improvements Project 13:30 6. VTrans Finance and Maintenance Agreement 16:00 7. Wastewater Testing Program 18:06 8. Leddy Park Comprehensive Plan Contract 26:43 9. TIF Public Hearing for Bond Authorization Ballot Item 34:56 10. Communication: Upcoming Capital Bond 01:02:28 11. Communication: FY23 Budget 01:26:40 12. Adjourn 02:04:50 Burlington City Council Agenda: 1. Agenda 2:05:00 2. UVM Housing Presentation 02:07:00 3. Public Forum 02:26:09 4. Climate Emergency Reports 02:54:22 5. Consent Agenda 02:54:44 6. School Budget Presentation 02:55:23 7. TIF Great Streets Project Public Hearing 03:34:44 8. Ordinance-Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards 04:32:07 9. Ordinance-Construction Contractors 04:39:21 10. Committee Reports 04:44:37 11. General Affairs 04:45:59 12. City Council President Update 04:46:18 13. Mayor - General Affairs Update 04:47:51 14. Adjourn 04:52:47 https://linktr.ee/townmeetingtv Town Meeting TV is a free speech forum and the ideas expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the Town Meeting TV trustees and staff. If you have a different perspective to share, we invite you to join the conversation! Create your own program or cover a community meeting or event. Contact maketv@cctv.org or call 862-3966. Thank you for tuning into Town Meeting TV! Please subscribe to our YouTube channel and visit our website for more videos and information about how we open the doors to local government using community media. www.Ch17.TV This video belongs to http://www.cctv.org and published with permission under Creative Commons License CCTV Center for Media & Democracy Programming is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.