Sunday, Dec 4, 2022 Advent Week 2 - Prince of Peace?
This Sunday’s advent theme is peace. Jesus is called the Prince of peace, but what kind of peace does he offered us? The peace of escapism? Or the peace of resurrection? 00:00:00 Pre-service 00:00:28 Who is this Love Amazing? (worship song) 00:03:49 Opening Prayer 00:05:22 Come Thou Long Expected Jesus (worship song) 00:08:45 Glorious King (worship song) 00:12:46 Old Testament readings 00:15:58 Welcome / Kids Dismissal 00:17:26 God With Us (worship song) 00:21:37 New Testament readings 00:24:48 Message: Prince of Peace? 01:01:01 I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (worship song) 01:03:26 Announcements / Benediction