2024-4-21 Grace Baptist Church of Petersburg Sunday Afternoon Service

2024-4-21 Grace Baptist Church of Petersburg Sunday Afternoon Service

Message: The Son Of Man by Pastor Nunnally Series: Bible Doctrines Primary Verses: Hebrews 1: 7-14 Hebrews 4: 12-16 Deuteronomy 6: 4-5 Isaiah 7: 14 Matthew 1: 23 Acts 4: 27 Revelation 3: 7 John 8: 46 Titus 1: 2 Psalm 45: 7 Daniel 9: 25 Luke 1: 35 Luke 2: 11 John 8: 29, 46 Psalm 2: 6 John 14: 30 Romans 6: 1-4 Grace Baptist Church of Petersburg Virginia Facebook:   / 100064751704441   Questions about Jesus, Salvation, or the Bible? Please contact us at: https://gracebaptist-pet.com/contact-us/