BioShock 2 Remastered Let's Play: Gilled And Gussied Up - PART 23 - TenMoreMinutes

BioShock 2 Remastered Let's Play: Gilled And Gussied Up - PART 23 - TenMoreMinutes

BioShock 2 Remastered Let's Play: Gilled And Gussied Up - PART 23 - TenMoreMinutes Chris and Sam have Gil Alexander tanked right before them within Fontaine Futuristics but the choice on what to do with him comes into question after hearing about his split mind. Watch the next episode:    • BioShock 2 Remastered Let's Play: Gil...   Watch the previous episode:    • BioShock 2 Remastered Let's Play: Gul...   #BioShock2 #BioShock2LetsPlay #BioShock2Playthrough #LetsPlay #Playthrough #BioShock2Gameplay #BioshockII #BioShock2Remastered #Rapture #TenMoreMinutes Let's Play BioShock 2 Remastered! Become a Couchling ► Twitch ►   / tenmoreminutes_   Discord ►   / discord   Patreon ►   / tenmoreminutes   Merch Store ► Twitter ►   / tenmoreminutes_   ABOUT THE GAME: In BioShock 2, you step into the boots of the most iconic denizen of Rapture, the Big Daddy, as you explore through the decrepit and beautiful fallen city, chasing an unseen foe in search of answers and your own survival. ABOUT THE STORY: BioShock 2 provides players with the perfect blend of explosive first-person shooter combat and compelling award-winning storytelling. The halls of Rapture once again echo with sins of the past. Along the Atlantic coastline, a monster has been snatching little girls and bringing them back to the undersea city of Rapture. Players step into the boots of the most iconic denizen of Rapture, the Big Daddy, as they travel through the decrepit and beautiful fallen city, chasing an unseen foe in search of answers and their own survival. Each Trial features three unique weapon and Plasmid load-outs, keeping the challenge fresh, as well as a fourth bonus load-out the player receives when all previous load-outs are completed. BioShock 2 takes place in the fictional city of Rapture, an underwater metropolis hidden from the rest of the world. Rapture was founded in the 1940s by billionaire Andrew Ryan, who built the city to escape the tyranny of government and religion. Free from regulation, the citizens of Rapture began "splicing", genetically modifying themselves using a substance derived from sea slugs called ADAM. ADAM is used to create "plasmids" that enable superpowers such as the ability to create lightning or pyrokinesis. Class conflict and civil war was exacerbated by the harmful side effects of ADAM abuse. Modified and conditioned children called "Little Sisters" collect scarce ADAM from corpses and recycle it, and armored "Big Daddies" protect the Little Sisters. Rapture descended into civil war, and the city became a crumbling dystopia populated by Splicers, the spliced remains of the citizenry. After Ryan is killed by his illegitimate son Jack (the player character in the first game), the dissident collectivist Sofia Lamb and her followers, known as "the Family", assume control of the city. BioShock 2 begins on New Year's Eve 1958. Subject Delta, a Big Daddy, patrols Rapture with Eleanor, his Little Sister. Eleanor's mother, Sofia Lamb, separates the pair and forces Delta to kill himself. Delta awakens in 1968, resurrected by Little Sisters under the control of Eleanor. The scientist Brigid Tenenbaum informs Delta that he will die unless he finds Eleanor due to their pair bond. With the help of Eleanor and the entrepreneur Augustus Sinclair, Delta makes his way to Eleanor in Sofia Lamb's stronghold. Traveling through the city, Delta encounters members of Lamb's Rapture Family, and can choose whether to kill or spare them. Delta learns Lamb plans to use ADAM to transfer the minds and memories of everyone in Rapture into Eleanor to create a selfless leader. Lamb sends Splicers and armored Big Sisters to stop Delta, to no effect. Delta arrives at the containment chamber where Eleanor is held, but Lamb captures him and severs his bond to Eleanor by temporarily stopping Eleanor's heart. Though Eleanor survives, Delta begins to slowly die as the bond cannot be re-established. Eleanor transforms herself into a Big Sister to spring Delta from confinement. Together they head for an escape pod that Sinclair has arranged to leave Rapture. The two find that Lamb has converted Sinclair into another Big Daddy, and is forced to kill him. Eleanor and Delta make it to the escape pod, but Delta is mortally wounded by a bomb. The above cited from: Purchase BioShock 2 Remastered on Steam ► BioShock Website ► 2K Twitter ►   / 2k   @2k 2K Games Youtube Channel ►    / 2kgames