Rebuilding the Twitter Embed Widget! (Next.js + Tailwind)
Use the Twitter API, Tailwind CSS, and Next.js to embed tweets directly on your website without using any iframes or external scripts. 0:00 – Introduction 0:25 – Embedding Tweets (The Old Way) 1:28 – Tailwind Play (Building the Widget) 2:15 – Twitter API Overview 3:20 – Fetching Tweets with the Twitter API 4:25 – Formatting the API Response 6:48 – Creating a Next.js Page 8:01 – Tweet Component 10:34 – Conclusion Links ––––– Demo: https://leerob.io/tweets Tailwind Play: https://play.tailwindcss.com/TsZaNJbeLy PR: https://github.com/leerob/leerob.io/p... API Docs: / quick-start API Reference: / get-tweets Related Project: https://static-tweet.vercel.app/ ––––– Blog: https://leerob.io/ Twitter: / leeerob GitHub: https://github.com/leerob Course: https://react2025.com/