Resident Evil 4 (2023) Walkthrough Part 6: Escape From The Village (Bitores Mendez Boss Fight)

Resident Evil 4 (2023) Walkthrough Part 6: Escape From The Village (Bitores Mendez Boss Fight)

As Luis separates from Leon and Ashley, Leon is contacted by the mission control who notify him that the extraction helicopter cannot reach their location due to severe storm in the area with Leon deciding to press on in order to find a safe place for him and Ashley to wait the storm out. As they continue on, navigating through a fort-like construction along the way, Leon and Ashley are intercepted by the village chief and a large horde of the villagers. Aware that they won't be able to fight them off, Leon urges Ashley to run with two managing to outrun the village chief and his people, eventually reaching an abandoned building. There, Leon is once again ambushed by the village chief who intends to personally kill him. Aware that he won't be able to defeat him in direct combat, Leon tells Ashley to leave the building while he faces off against the village chief, managing to detonate a gasoline-filled barrel right in front of him. However, instead of killing him, the explosion triggers chief's own parasite, causing him to mutate into towering centipede-like monster which Leon is forced to engage in combat within the burning building, eventually managing to kill him with the village chief desperately calling out to someone named "Lord Saddler" with the last of his strength. Upon escaping the building and reuniting with Ashley, Leon presses on in search for shelter for him and Ashley. Eventually, they stumble upon a massive castle and end up trapped within as the drawbridge is raised as they cross it, forcing them to keep going forward...