What causes absent fetal heartbeat in 12 week pregnancy scan? - Dr. Nupur Sood
If you had a miscarriage in the first three months of pregnancy the causes are normally due to some genetic factors which means that the foetus itself was abnormal and nature has its own way of causing miscarriage in itself. So generally before planning for your next conception you should go in for folic acid supplementation adequately for a good 3 months. Besides that certain blood test can be done to diagnose as to why this miscarriage has happened and lastly probably your doctor would next time start you immediately on progesterone supplementation in the form of capsules or tablets. They give a maternal support to the foetus if there is a deficiency of this hormone on the mother’s side. So externally we are providing the progesterone supplementation either in the form of capsule, tablet, gels or even injections.